An Innovation by Gothic artists

Gothic Architecture
Gothic architecture is a style of architecture which flourished during the high and late medieval period. It evolved from Romanesque architecture and was succeeded byRenaissance architecture.

Originating in 12th century France and lasting into the 16th century, Gothic architecture was known during the period as "the French Style" (Opus Francigenum), with the term Gothic first appearing during the latter part of the Renaissance. Its characteristic features include the pointed arch, the ribbed vault and the flying buttress.

Rose windows
A Rose window (or Catherine window) is often used as a generic term applied to a circularwindow, but is especially used for those found in churches of the Gothic architectural style and being divided into segments by stone mullions and tracery.
The name “rose window” was not used before the 17th century and according to the Oxford English Dictionary, among other authorities, comes from the English flower name rose.

The term “wheel window” is often applied to a window divided by simple spokes radiating from a central boss or opening, while the term “rose window” is reserved for those windows, sometimes of a highly complex design, which can be seen to bear similarity to a multi-petalled rose.

A circular window without tracery, such as are found in many Italian churches, is referred to as an ocular window or oculus.

Rose windows of Chartres Cathedral

this rose window belongs to the north window of Chartres cathedral and depicts King David sitting on top of a circle of 12 Kings of Judah, assorted minor prophets and angels, all centred on the Virgin Mary and Child.  And that's just the Rose part of the North Rose - underneath it are 5 huge lancet windows dating from 1230.   

The rose windows of Rheims cathedral 

this is a Rose window tympanum above the front portal - View from the inside

Exterior of Rheims rose window of the west facade.

What i like?
i like the rose window very much. especially the idea that they origionated in gothic period is very ironic as the historicans call the gothic era "barbaric" or add to the beauty of austere cathgedrals and churches.